Monday, June 9, 2008

BFF!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

We all have BFF's right? You spend all your time together, and sometimes get on each other's nerves! :) I have two best friends I am going to miss terribly!! We were all in the same class and spent every recess together. But sadly, we all found out that we would be in completely different classes. Plus, you know how the years go.... the friendship falls apart. I hope that my friends know I will miss them very much and love them like close sisters. ♥


Kai said...


Mickey said...

Read my post LittleBee i talked about you and "BOB" in it go to

Marissa @ Life is Fantasmic said...

I am sure that they will remember you... That happened to me all the time with my best friends in elementary school and we still hung out and spent time with each other. It wasn't as often as before, but it was just enough to keep the friendship alive. Think of it this way, when you don't get to see each other as often, it makes the time that you do spend together all that more special! ♥