Thursday, January 15, 2009

What do you call it... Air day????

I haven't written in a while.......... last night it was freezing... the high was -3! Now, I don't know if that is regular, me being warm blooded for so long! They said it was the coldest night since 2004! They also said you could get FROST BITE in only 8 minutes! Our school district said it is okay if we did not go to school so I thought I would decide in the morning. My mom woke me up and said "How about you just don't go to school today, okay?" or something like that. Today I have just played on the computer and watched TV!


Marissa @ Life is Fantasmic said...

Lucky you! I wish I didn't have to go to work today, but it's a little bit warmer here than it is there... hehe

Little Bee said...

HE HE HE HE HE HE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!